Self-Realization Fellowship Home Page
SRF Temple or Meditation Centers
Call (323) 225-2471, if none listed in your area.
First Encounters - How Disciples found "Autobiography of a Yogi" |
| |
Yogoda Satsanga Society of India |
Welcome to EAST- WEST Magazine
This is a partial collection of old issues from East-West Magazine |
Yogananda SRF Devotee Message Boards |
Dr. Lewis - Accomplished Yogi, Devoted Disciple and Householder
SRF Internet Devotee Friends Web Site & Newsletter |
| & Message Board (includes chat room)
Yogananda Parenting
Yogananda Parenting Facebook | | |
SRF Artists and Musicians |
Request daily delivery of the "SRF Spiritual Diary" |
Matha Rather's videos of Babaji Pilgrimage
1. Babaji's cave: Preparing
2. Babaji's cave: Hiking
3. Babaji's cave: Meditating
4. Babaji's cave: Leaving |

Go to The

Some color portraits of Paramahansa Yogananda are available.
An Interview with Sri Daya Mata is found in this book.
Margaret Wolff
New Album from Shakti Deva
The album “ TranscenDance” brings together Lewis’ musical experience with his passion, devotional chanting. All the of the chants on this album were penned by Paramahansa Yogananda, (1893-1952) who founded Self Realization Fellowship in the early 1920’s.
Shakti Deva
Michael Dunn....chants of India,
love sonts to the Soul,
sacred poetry |

John Salih
Hush and Feel
Several of Master's chants as well as some original songs. |
A short video of Sri Yukteswar and Yogananda in 1935. |
The Binary Research Institute
Archeoastronomy Theory & Application
About Precession:
The observable we call precession is the geometric effect of the solar system's curved motion through space. The Earth appears to wobble relative to objects outside the solar system but shows little or no wobble relative to objects within the solar system.

Ron Hart/

Elvis Presley and SRF |

By Charlotte Hebert, a kriyaban devotee.
Mystical Portal |
Websites of some SRF Meditation Groups:
email me if you know of websites to add.
Kansas City Meditation Group, SRF
Denver SRF Center
Boulder County Meditation Circle
Saint Louis Meditation Group SRF |
Indianapolis Meditation Circle SRF |
Lawrence Meditation Group (Kansas), SRF |
Minneapolis Meditation Group of SRF |
Chicago Meditation Group of SRF |
Kalamazoo Meditation Group of SRF |
Detroit Center of SRF |
Boston Meditation Group of SRF |
Dallas Fort Worth Meditation Group |
Washington, D.C. Center of SRF |
Houston Meditation Group of SRF |
Richmond, Virginia Meditation Circle |
Austin Meditation Group of SRF |
Cincinnati Meditation Circle SRF |
New York City Center of SRF
Princeton Meditation Group of SRF (NJ) |
Philadelphia Meditation Group of SRF
Hollywood Temple |
Lake Shrine Temple |
Portland Meditation Center
Eugene Meditation Group, SRF
Sacramento Center of SRF |
Corvallis Meditation Circle, Oregon |
Hidden Valley Ashram |
Olympic Peninsula Meditation Circle |
SRF Temple-Fullerton, CA
Seattle Center of SRF |
SRF Temple-San Diego, CA
SRF Escondido Meditation Center |
Atlanta Center of SRF |
Los Gatos Center of SRF |
Miami Meditation Group of SRF |
SRF Santa Rosa, California |
Vancouver Meditation Group of SRF |
Las Vegas Meditation Group of SRF |
Victoria Meditation Group of SRF |
Reno Meditation Group of SRF |
SRF Sydney Centre (Australia) |
Tucson Meditation Group of SRF
Perth Meditation Group (Australia) |
SRF Ox Yoke Retreat
London Centre of SRF
Calgary SRF
Kuala Lumpur Meditation Group of SRF
Munich Group of SRF |
Ostia Meditation Group, Italy |

Yogananda Club at
Paramahansa Yogananda's burial site at Forest Lawn, Glendale, CA
A Portion of Mahatma Gandhi's Ashes
Churches of the Stars: Lake Shrine
Collected Talks and Essays by
Paramahansa Yogananda
in Chronological order
The Yogi and His Fellowship
By Saurabh Bhattacharya
& "My heart yearns to return to Guruji's beloved India" by Sri Daya Mata
52nd edition of Yogananda's book draws new attention to his work
Paramahansa Yogananda: The Successful Launching of a Modern Spiritual Legacy
Study of SRF on the New Religious Movements Page |
India Unveiled, by Robert Arnett , SRF Devotee
What does Self-Realization mean?
One Truth: a daily emailing list
Gary Wright - The Dream Weaver Inspiration
Paramahansa Yogananda Gallery
 |, (Owned by SRF devotees from the Phoenix Temple; they have great Om shirts, Om caps, CD's by SRF musicians and more.)
Supreme Swan |
Aum Creations
Jesus in India - The Movie
A visit to an SRF Temple
Judy Collins Interview and Kriya
Guru Screensaver
The Sweet Love of Paramahansa Yogananda Web Ring