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to the Member area of the Kansas City Meditation Group's Web site.
Important Announcements
During 1951 Paramahansaji often hinted that his
remaining days on earth were not many. "Sir," asked a distressed
disciple, "when we can no longer see you, will you be as near as you
are now?" The master smiled lovingly and said: "To those who think me
near, I will be near."
Paramahansa Yogananda
Now on Facebook!
The Kansas City Meditation Group is now on Facebook! Be sure to become
a fan and watch the pages for regular updates. There are two Facebook
pages--one is our public page and the other is a "secret group" which
only members have access to. We are experimenting to see what kind of
pages will work best for the group.
The public page we expect will be used more as an ambassador for the
Kansas City Meditation Group—providing
general information about the group and SRF as well as providing
information on significant upcoming events.
We have also set up a Rajarsi Janakananda page for devotees worldwide!
We hope you'll join us on Facebook!
City Meditation Group Public Facebook Page
Janakananda Facebook Page
If you have not received your invitation to join the secret page please
contact Wendy
MacDonald Savoy.
Christmas Wreath Fundraiser
As a fundraiser for the monastic tour, the Kansas City Meditation Group
will be selling
festive holiday wreaths. They are fresh evergreen in a
variety of sizes and styles. Please pick up an order form including
prices and descriptions in the foyer after Sunday service. Orders must
be placed by Sunday, October 10th for delivery on Sunday December 5th
when payment is due. Place orders for family and friends to make this
fundraiser a success. Questions can be directed to Nina Irwin
or Esperanza
Fall Picnic
The Fall Picnic will be Saturday, October 9th from 3:00-8:00pm at the
Heartland Center - Lone Pine Shelter. Come out for veggie burgers,
s'mores, fresh air, a walk to the cemetery, horseshoes and more!
All-Day Christmas Mediation
Many years ago Paramahansa Yogananda established the custom of
commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ by dedicating an entire day of
the Christmas season to meditation and divine communion with Christ.
KCMG will hold the Christmas All-Day Meditation Saturday, December 18,
10:00am - 6:00pm in the Garden Room at Unity Village. There will be a
break at 2:00pm for participants to stretch their legs. Those who
cannot stay the whole day may leave at this time. Details of the event
will be sent out in November.
Long Meditations
4 hour meditations will be held on the following dates. Meditations
begin at 10:30 am. You are welcome to stay for the full four hours or
leave during a period of chanting.
Saturday, October 23 - Savoy Residence
Saturday, November 20 - Hanna Residence
For more information please speak to Wendy MacDonald Savoy
or Brenda
Potluck Dinner and Silent Auction for Monastic Tour
On Saturday, November 13 we will hold a potluck
dinner and silent
auction to raise money for our upcoming Monastic Tour. The
event will
begin at 5 pm. We need to raise $5000 between now and May so we hope
this event will give us a good boost. Start saving your items for the
auction and plan to bring your favorite vegetarian dish.
Lesson Study Group
Are you interested in a regular SRF study group? The group recently
completed the full three sets of lessons in a lesson study and is
considering launching a new study group for the fall. Please let us
know if you are interested in attending, how often (weekly, once or
twice per month), and whether you would be interested in studying the
SRF lessons, God Talks to Arjuna, or The Second Coming of Christ.
Please contact us at
Monastic Tour 2011
We are happy to announce that we have been invited to host a Monastic
Tour May 13-15, 2011! The Managing Council has accepted the invitation
on behalf of the group and have confirmed the availability of the Unity
Conference Center. Be sure to mark your calendars and let us know if
you are interested in serving at this blessed event. All hands will be
needed and we invite our out-of-town friends to also volunteer to
View information from our July 25 informational meeting to learn more
about the event and volunteer opportunities and to complete a form if
you are interested in serving. This and regular updates can be found on
our Monastic
Tour page--be sure to watch this page for the latest info on
the tour.
Young Adult Lesson Study
We are pleased to announce that a young adult lesson study group is now
held the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of each month from September through May.
We invite all those in their teens and 20’s to join us to
the lessons together in the parsonage next to the Pilgrim Chapel from
10 to 11 am. All attending must be lesson students and have received
the lesson being studied. For more information, please speak to Nina Irwin,
Mary Anne
Demeritt or Michele
Building Fund - Matching Donation
We have received a generous matching
donation toward our building
fund. Donations to
our building fund will be matched 50 cents on every dollar to a maximum
of $10,000 over three years. To make a donation to the building fund
please mark your checks “building fund” in the memo
Building funds will be used toward the purchase of a building or
full-time rental location. We respectfully ask that you not simply
redirect your regular donations for this purpose as the goal of this
donation is not only to grow our building fund but to increase our
overall monthly donations. For more information please speak with group
Treasurer Michelle