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Fall 2010
Issue 66 October 3 The Most Tempting Temptation 10 Practical Methods for Spiritual Growth 17 Reincarnation 24 Cultivate Your Desire for God 31 Harmonizing Work and Meditation November 7 Gaining the Wealth of Inner Happiness 14 Limited and Unlimited Methods of Healing 21 Giving Thanks for Life's Blessings 28 The Soul's Three Encasements December 5 Receiving God's Answers to Your Prayers 12 Miracles of Raja Yoga 18 All Day Christmas Meditation Unity Village 19 Receive the Christ Consciousness 26 The Purpose of Life Is to Find God
New Rajarsi Janakananda Pilgrimage Guide The group has created a pilgrimage guide for devotees who visit the Kansas City area and would like to visit sites associated with Rajarsi Janakananda. The guide can be downloaded at www.kcmeditation.com in the history section. We will also have a supply at the Chapel, or devotees may request a printed copy by mail. In the process of researching the guide, the group has been trying to determine the exact location of the Lynn home, which burned down about a year after his passing. We discovered that the front gate and much of the fence that surrounded his 100 acre property is still standing and is located at 1800 Meyer Blvd!
Now on Facebook! The Kansas City Meditation Group is now on Facebook! Be sure to become a fan and watch the pages for regular updates. There are two Facebook pages--one is our public page and the other is a "secret group" which only members have access to. We are experimenting to see what kind of pages will work best for the group. The public page we expect will be used more as an ambassador for the Kansas City Meditation Group—providing general information about the group and SRF as well as providing information on significant upcoming events. Go to http://www.facebook.com/KCMeditation The secret group provides a place for private discussion, sharing of photos, etc. It cannot be found if you search for it, and members must be approved. In addition, information about the group will not be displayed on your group profile. If you have not received an invite to join the private KCMG facebook group send an email to Wendy MacDonald Savoy (wmacdonald12@gmail.com) or Doug Couch (couch@everestkc.net). We
have also set up a Rajarsi Janakananda page for SRF/YSS devotees
worldwide and have been overwhelmed with the positive response. At last
count we had 130 fans from India to Italy and across the U.S. and
Canada. We hope you'll also become a fan. You can do so by clicking "Like" on the page. If you have any questions or suggestions about our Facebook pages please speak with Wendy MacDonald Savoy (wmacdonald12@gmail.com) or Doug Couch (couch@everestkc.net). Fall Picnic The Fall Picnic will be held on Saturday, October 9th from 3:00-8:00pm at the Heartland Center - Lone Pine Shelter. We hope you will join us for veggie burgers, s'mores, fresh air, a walk to the cemetery, horseshoes and more! For more information speak with Michelle Wolf (mwolf234@gmail.com). Long Meditations 4 hour meditations will be held on the following dates. Meditations begin at 10:30 am. You are welcome to stay for the full four hours or leave during a period of chanting. Saturday, October 23 - Savoy Residence Saturday, November 20 - Hanna Residence For more information please speak to Wendy MacDonald Savoy (wmacdonald12@gmail.com) or Brenda Leach (irispoppy101p@gmail.com).
All-Day Christmas Meditation Many years
ago Paramahansa Yogananda established the custom of commemorating the
birth of Jesus Christ by dedicating an entire day of the Christmas
season to meditation and divine communion with Christ. We will hold
the Christmas All-Day Meditation Saturday, December 18, 10:00am -
6:00pm in the Garden Room at Unity Village. There will be a break at
2:00pm for participants to stretch their legs. Those who cannot stay
the whole day may leave at this time. Details of the event will be sent
out in November. Potluck Dinner and Silent Auction for Monastic Tour On Saturday, November 13 we will hold a potluck dinner and silent auction to raise money for our upcoming Monastic Tour. The event will begin at 5 pm. We need to raise $5000 between now and May so we hope this event will give us a good boost. Start saving your items for the auction and plan to bring your favorite vegetarian dish. Teen/Young Adult Lesson Study Group Teens and young adults are invited to participate in a Lesson Study group held the second and third Sundays each month from September through May. The study is held during the Readings Service from 10 to 11 am in the parsonage next to the Chapel. Please speak to Michele O’Kelley (mokelley@kc.rr.com) for more information. Lesson Study Group Are you interested in a regular SRF study group? The group recently completed the full three sets of lessons in a lesson study and is considering launching a new study group for the Fall. Please let us know if you are interested in attending, how often (weekly, once or twice per month), and whether you would be interested in studying the SRF lessons, God Talks to Arjuna, or The Second Coming of Christ. Please contact us at kcmeditation@gmail.com. Christmas Wreath Fundraiser As a fundraiser for the monastic tour, Kansas City Meditation Group will be selling festive holiday wreaths. They are fresh evergreen in a variety of sizes and styles. Please pick up an order form including prices and descriptions in the foyer after Sunday service. Orders must be placed by Sunday, October 10th for delivery on Sunday December 5th when payment is due. Place orders for family and friends to make this fundraiser a success. Questions can be directed to Nina Irwin (ninairwinarts@swbell.net) or Esperanza Christie (archiechristie@hotmail.com). Monastic Tour 2011 We are happy to announce that we have been invited to host a Monastic Tour May 13-15, 2011! Be sure to mark your calendars and let us know if you are interested in serving at this blessed event. All hands will be needed and we invite our out-of-town friends to also volunteer to serve. You can learn more about the event and volunteer opportunities by reviewing information from our July 25 meeting on the Monastic Tour Page at www.kcmeditation.com. Be sure to watch this page for the latest info on the tour. Or contact Wendy MacDonald Savoy (wmacdonald12@gmail.com) or Beth Hanna (beth-hanna@kc.rr.com) for more information. Important Upcoming Dates: November – Monastic Tour Mailing will be sent out November – Potluck Dinner and Silent Auction November /December– First volunteer meeting A Monastic Tour fund has been established to help cover the expenses of the visit. We will need to raise $5000 between now and then. Some of our expected expenses include accommodations for the Monastics, conference room rental and flowers. If you would like to make a donation toward these expenses please mark the memo line of your check "Monastic Tour Fund." Another suggestion from Center Department is that members may wish to consider making an additional monthly contribution specifically directed toward the Monastic Tour Fund. A number of members donating a fairly small amount ($10 per month for example) over the next several months would go a long way towards defraying the group’s expenses for the Tour. Building Fund - Matching Donation We would like to remind you that our matching donation of 50 cents on the dollar up to $10,000 over three years is now well into its second year. To date we have received $4235 in matching donations. That means we need an additional $11,530 by December 2011 in order to receive the full $10,000 match. For more information please speak with group Treasurer Michelle Wolf (mwolf234@gmail.com). Do you recognize this devotee? A local devotee recently discovered an apple tree on what was formerly Rajarsi's property--perhaps a tree left from his orchard. The devotee has been gathering apples and freezing them so we can bake apple pies for the Monastic Tour in May! Should we be worried that the tree is in front of the social security building?! :) The apples are delicious!
Meditations and services are at Pilgrim
3801 Gillham Rd., Kansas City, Missouri Email at coordinator@kcmeditation.com
KC Meditation Group 816.799.5544 Back
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