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Summer 2010 Issue 65
Calendar for Summer 2010 July 4 Science of Kriya Yoga 11 Whence Happiness Comes 18 Laws of Love and Truth *25 Commemoration for Babaji 8:30-9:30am What Is The Soul? 10:00am August 1 Devotion that Touches God 8 Surmounting Life's Troubles 15 Proof of the Existence of God 22 Health Through Union with Cosmic Life 29 Man's Greatest Duty -- to Remember God September *2 Janmashtami (Krishna Commemoration) 7:00-9:00pm 5 What Is Salvation? 12 Life – A Cosmic Motion Picture 19 Hastening Human Evolution *26 Lahiri Mahasaya's Mahasamadhi Commemoration 9:30-10:20am 26 Finding God in Family Life (Fall Retreat- Unity Village) *30 Lahiri Mahasaya's Birthday Commemoration 7-9pm *Please bring a flower and a donation to be sent to SRF Mother Center. Spring Retreat This year’s spring day retreat was held on May 8th at the Clubhouse at Unity Village. The day included time for conducted meditations, readings, chanting and free time. The theme of the retreat was “Will Power.” Special thanks to Brenda Leach for coordinating the event for us.
Children’s Scholarship Program Six of our Sunday School children are attending the SRF Youth Camp in California which is held the last two weeks in June. We are greatly looking forward to hearing all about their wonderful experiences at a meeting following Service on July 11. The fundraising effort for the Children’s Scholarship Program raised $2,840, which has been awarded to the six children who will be attending. Thank you to all the volunteers and donors to this program. Our special appreciation goes out to Jimmie and Donna YaDullah for coordinating the efforts. Sunday School During the summer months, Sunday School is held outdoors weather permitting. This allows the children to do their exercises and meditation in the fresh surroundings of nature, as is suggested by our Guru. If you have questions about the Sunday School, please speak with Mary Anne Demeritt or Nina Irwin. A reminder to all parents: Please come to the Sunday School room immediately following Service to pick up your children. Upcoming Socials We will be having a social after Sunday service, July 11th. Come enjoy the fellowship and listen to the children talk about their experiences at camp. We will have another social after Sunday service, August 15th. Members who attend Convocation will be sharing their experiences. Fall Silent Meditation Retreat Kansas City Meditation Group will be holding its annual Fall Silent Meditation Retreat at Unity Village September 24-26th. Don't miss the opportunity to dive deep for divine pearls on this blessed weekend. We will be commemorating the Mahasamadhi of Lahiri Mahasaya Sunday morning. If you are available to help with the retreat, please contact Trey Hanna or a member of the Managing Council. Details and registration forms will be sent out in July. Fall Picnic Our annual fall picnic will be held on Saturday, October 9 at Heartland Retreat Center in the Lone Pine Shelter. Save the date and watch for details. Please contact Michelle Wolf if you would like to volunteer to help with this event. Monastic Tour 2011 We are happy to announce that we have been invited to host a Monastic Tour May 13-15, 2011. The event will be held at Unity Village. Be sure to mark your calendars and let us know if you are interested in serving at this blessed event. All hands will be needed and we invite our out-of-town friends to also volunteer to serve. We will be holding a kick-off meeting on July 25 following Service when we will share details on the volunteer positions to be filled and our fundraising goals. Be sure to watch the Monastic Tour page on our Web site for regular updates on the tour between now and then. A Monastic Tour fund has been established to help cover the expenses of the visit. Some of our expected expenses include airfare and accommodations for the Monastics, conference room rental and flowers. If you would like to make a donation toward these expenses please mark the memo line of your check “Monastic Tour Fund.” We will also have envelopes in the pews at the Chapel. Another suggestion from Center Department is that members may wish to consider making an additional monthly contribution specifically directed toward the Monastic Tour Fund. A number of members donating a fairly small amount ($10 per month for example) over the next several months would go a long way towards defraying the group’s expenses for the Monastic Visit.
Minneapolis Monastic Tour The Minneapolis Meditation
Group of SRF held a Monastic Tour June 11 to 13, 2010. Six of our
members attended. It was a joyous weekend led by Brother Nakulananda
and Brahmachari Cormack and included technique reviews, a public
lecture, a Kriya ceremony and divine fellowship.
Annual Convocation The SRF Annual Convocation will be held in Los Angeles, CA from August 1 to 7, 2010. Thousands of SRF members from around the world will gather for a profoundly inspiring week of spiritual renewal and fellowship, as we immerse ourselves in the teachings of our Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda. More information can be found at www.srf-yogananda.org. Building Fund If you would like to make a donation toward our building fund, donations are currently being matched 50 cents on every dollar to a maximum of $10,000 over three years. To make a donation to the building fund please mark your checks “building fund” in the memo line. Building funds will be used toward the purchase of a building or full-time rental location. For more information please speak with group Treasurer Michelle Wolf
Rajarsi Janakananda Pilgrimage On Saturday, May 1 we held a pilgrimage to the crypt of Rajarsi Janakananda. Rajarsi, or James J. Lynn was one of Master’s most advanced disciples. He contributed greatly to the organization of Self-Realization Fellowship and was instrumental in putting it on a strong financial footing. He became its second President when Paramahansa Yogananda passed in 1952. The pilgrimage was held in honor of his birthday, which was May 5th.
Meditations and services are at Pilgrim
3801 Gillham Rd., Kansas City, Missouri Email at coordinator@kcmeditation.com
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