Kansas City Meditation Group
of Self-Realization Fellowship
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India Night Dinner - February 2010

“The guru-disciple relationship is the highest expression of friendship, for it is based on unconditional divine love and wisdom. It is the loftiest and most sacred of all relationships. Christ and his disciples were all one in spirit, as are my master and I and those who are in tune with me, because of the common bond of God’s divine love. Drinking His love together from the chalice of sincere hearts is the unifying sacrament of this relationship.”      Paramahansa Yogananda

Spring 2010
Issue 64

                                                    9:00 - 9:45 AM



Tuesday Evening: SRF Lesson Study, Call for location.

Thursday Evening:

Meditation SERVICE 7:15 - 9:00 PM

Calendar for Spring 2010

2    Good Friday Service 7-9pm Pilgrim Chapel

4    Easter Service:
The Resurrection of Christ Within You
Because of Easter Pilgrim Chapel activities, the Reading Service &
Sunday School will be held from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

11    Jesus Christ and His Teachings
18    How to Fulfill Your Role in Life
25    The Power of Concentration
2    Sojourn in Freedom: the Astral Universe
9    God's Nature in the Mother
16    God-Mindedness: the Key to Freedom
23    The Cosmic Play of Life and Death
30    Success Through Superconscious Power
6    Uniting Religion Through Practice of Yoga
13    Even-Mindedness Is Yoga
20    God's Nature in the Father
27    Patriotism That Will Endure

Monastic Tour 2011
We are happy to announce that we have been invited to host a Monastic Tour May 13-15, 2011! The Managing Council has accepted the invitation on behalf of the group and has confirmed the availability of the Unity Conference Center. Be sure to mark your calendars and let us know if you are interested in serving at this blessed event. All hands will be needed and we invite our out-of-town friends to also volunteer to serve. For the latest info and to volunteer, visit our Monastic Tour 2011 page on the Web site.

Easter Service
Please note that our Sunday Easter Service on April 4 will be held from 9 to 10 am on Easter Sunday not the usual time of 10 am. On Friday, April 2, we will hold a Good Friday Service from 7 to 9 pm at the Pilgrim Chapel.

Rajarsi Janakananda Pilgrimage
On Saturday, May 1, at 2 pm we will hold a pilgrimage to Rajarsi Janakananda’s Crypt at the Pantheon, Forest Hill Cemetery, 6901 Troost, Kansas City, MO. Rajarsi, or James J. Lynn was one of Master’s most advanced disciples. He contributed greatly to the organization of Self-Realization Fellowship and was instrumental in putting it on a strong financial footing. He became its second President when Paramahansa Yogananda passed in 1952. Please bring a folding chair and a flower with you and we will hold a short meditation at the Crypt.

Spring Retreat
This year’s spring day retreat will be held on Saturday, May 8th in the Clubhouse at Unity Village. The day includes time for conducted meditations, readings, chanting and free time. The theme of this year’s retreat is “Will Power.” Please speak to Brenda Leach for more information or visit the Web site.

Minneapolis Monastic Tour
The Minneapolis Meditation Group of SRF will be hosting a Monastic Tour June 11 to 13, 2010. The event will include a Kriya Ceremony for eligible members. If you are interested in carpooling to Minneapolis please speak with Wendy MacDonald Savoy

“You do not know how much it means to me to know that you are all cooperating in such a wonderful way to help with the tremendous work we are doing in this temple. What you are doing is very pleasing to God and the Master’s, and you who are privileged to share in this pioneering work are much blessed, more than you can know. It is not for me that all this is being done, but for God and Gurus, whom alone I serve. Many souls will come to this place seeking Truth, and even as they feel the blessed vibrations of the Masters, which have consecrated this temple, they will also feel the devotion of your souls for God and will be inspired to greater love for Him….I am with you all in Him, and I know how you are working and working for the cause. God bless you all.”
    Written by Paramahansa Yogananda to the members of a     Self-Realization Temple.

India Night Dinner and Silent Auction
Our annual India Night Dinner was held on Saturday, February 27. It was a divine evening of fellowship as we celebrated our Guru's homeland. The silent auction brought in over $1200 for our children's scholarship program. Thanks to all who helped organize the event and to those who contributed.

Children's Scholarship Program
This year the Kansas City Meditation Group is again offering a Scholarship Program to help parents with costs toward sending their children to the SRF How-to-Live Youth Program.

Our Guru took a deep interest in the welfare and education of children. The How-to-Live Programs offer an opportunity for children of the Kansas City Meditation Group to come together and practice the teachings with other SRF children from across the country in a beautiful outdoor setting. They meet other like-minded children and have a wonderful opportunity to deepen their relationship with God and Gurus.

canoe     high rope

Six children are planning to attend this year, and we have set a fundraising goal of $3500. Members can donate by marking their checks in the regular offertory “children’s scholarship program.” We will wrap up our fundraising efforts either when we get to goal or on April 31—whichever comes first. If we go over goal, the funds will be donated to the SRF How-to-Live Youth Programs in Los Angeles so that other children across the country may benefit. As per Mother Center’s guidance, we will not carry funds over to the following year.

Upcoming fund raising events will include a performance by the Sunday School children titled "The 'Me" My Guru Knows" on March 21, and a garage sale on April 17. For more information contact Donna or Jimmie YaDullah

Service to the Group and Annual Elections
Special thanks to all those who serve in elected and non-elected positions. There are many service opportunities within the group, all which carry equal importance and they help to keep the group running smoothly and in accordance with our Guru’s guidelines.

Elected positions within the group include the Managing Council and Readers. Our annual elections were held on Sunday, January 24. The following people were elected. Those who were newly elected must first be approved by Mother Center, which we expect to happen sometime in March or April. Those currently serving in elected positions will continue to serve until that time.

Coordinator:  Kate Ehernberger

Secretary:           Beth Hanna

Treasurer:        Michelle Wolf

Readers: Doug Couch, Trey Hanna, Dennis Allen, Wendy MacDonald Savoy, Dwayne Savoy, Donna YaDullah, Randy Wolf, Nancy Blackman, Bob Brothers, Merita Johnson, Mary Anne Demeritt, Donna Marie Viene.

     Role of Managing Council
What is the role of the Managing Council? If you ever have questions about things going on in the Group, or a request of something you would like to do or see done, these queries should be directed to the Managing Council. The Managing Council is composed of three elected members—the Coordinator, the Secretary and the Treasurer. You may approach any of the Council members who can address your question or concern. When needed they will review your query with the other Council members before making a decision. When necessary they will consult with SRF Mother Center.

It is the duty of the Managing Council to see that the various activities of the Group function harmoniously, and that they are in accordance with the guidelines given by the Mother Center. The Coordinator corresponds regularly with Mother Center. Mother Center asks that we have just one main point of contact from the group with them for various issues and questions that may come up that cannot be handled solely by the Managing Council. This helps them effectively manage the many hundreds of groups across the country and around the world who rely on them for guidance.

You are encouraged to speak with a member of the Managing Council if you ever have questions or concerns about the Group or its’ activities.

God is the Goal
Once during a period of rapid growth of the work, our Guru observed that some disciples were becoming too engrossed in their duties. He cautioned them, “Never be too busy to sing secretly to the Lord “Thou art mine, I am Thine.’”

There is a tremendous amount of work to be done in organizing and sustaining centers and meditation groups. But we must never forget that our aim is communion with God. No matter what happens within a group, no matter what work or problems have to be dealt with, no matter what activities are undertaken—always remember: the goal is God!
Our Guru said, “Self-Realization Fellowship has come into the world to draw souls to God through their own expanding Self-realization.”
(from SRF Manual for Running Groups and Centers)

Annual Convocation
The SRF Annual Convocation will be held in Los Angeles, CA from August 1 to 7, 2010. Thousands of SRF members from around the world will gather for a profoundly inspiring week of spiritual renewal and fellowship, as we immerse ourselves in the teachings of our Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda. More information can be found at

Center Representatives Conference
The Center Department of Self-Realization Fellowship warmly invites all those who serve or are interested in serving in the group to attend the Annual Center Representatives Conference to be held the day before Convocation—Saturday, July 31st from 2 to 8 pm at the Lake Shrine in Los Angeles, CA.

Latest News at
Be sure to visit for the most recent Group news.
To access the member area:
Username: kcmed
Password: mukunda

Building Fund
If you would like to make a donation toward our building fund, donations are currently being matched 50 cents on every dollar to a maximum of $10,000 over three years. To make a donation to the building fund please mark your checks “building fund” in the memo line. Building funds will be used toward the purchase of a building or full-time rental location. For more information please speak with group Treasurer Michelle Wolf.

  1. Please enter the Sanctuary during the 15-minute period prior to the top of each hour. After the meditation has begun, one may enter during a chant so as not to disturb the other meditators.
  2. During meditation, practice any SRF technique silently.
  3. Please disable audible beepers and chimes on watches, pagers and cell phones during meditation.
  4. Checks made out to KCMG will be used for local meditation group expenses, while checks made out to SRF will be forwarded to SRF Mother Center.
We are affiliated with Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles, California. Our Guru is Paramahansa Yogananda. The purpose of Self-Realization Fellowship is to disseminate a knowledge of definite scientific techniques for attaining direct personal experience of God. The Fellowship is dedicated to promoting a greater understanding and harmony among the world's various religions by teaching the fundamental principle of religion: how to commune personally with God.
Paramahansa Yogananda has defined Self-realization as follows: "Self-realization is the knowing—in body, mind, and soul—that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God’s omnipresence is our omnipresence; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. All we have to do is improve our knowing.


Meditations and services are at Pilgrim Chapel.
3801 Gillham Rd., Kansas City, Missouri

KC Meditation Group    816.799.5544
Mailing Address: PO Box 7053, Kansas City MO 64113

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