Kansas City Meditation Group
Self-Realization Fellowship

India Dinner

India Night Dinner 2009

“Many souls will come to this place seeking Truth, and even as they feel the blessed vibrations of the Masters, which have consecrated this temple, they will also feel the devotion of your souls for God and will be inspired to greater love for Him.... I am with you all in Him, and I know how you are working and working for the cause. God bless you all."                              
          Paramahansa Yogananda

Issue 60

                                                    9:00 - 9:45 AM



Tuesday Evening: SRF Lesson Study, Call for location.

Thursday Evening:

Meditation SERVICE 7:15 - 9:00 PM

Calendar for Spring 2009

5    Healing by God's Unlimited Power

10    Good Friday Service: 7 - 9:00 p.m.

12    Easter Sunday Special Service
The True Significance of Resurrection
(Service is one hour earlier) 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

19    The Place of Money in the Spiritual Life
26    What is Love?

3    Anchor Yourself in God

10    Sri Yukteswar Birthday Commemoration
8:30 - 9:30 a.m.

10    The Mother Aspect of God

17    Good Books: Aids on the Spiritual Path

24    Why Our Loved One's Die

31    The Universe: God's Magic Drama

7    Attuning Your Life to God's Abundance

14    Ideals for a Balanced Education

21    How You Can Talk With God

28    Spiritual Foundations of World Brotherhood

“I have seen through the passing of the years that there is no greater joy and fulfillment than that which comes from an ever deeper relationship with the Divine One who created us, and through your united efforts you can do so much to help one another feel the reality of His presence in your lives. Whenever you gather in the thought of God, know that Christ, Krishna, and all of our Gurus are with you, reinforcing your merged devotion with the power of their blessings. As you persevere with faith that the Divine receives your every loving thought, He will respond to your heart’s devotion, pouring out to you the strength and wisdom you need in order to cope with all of life’s challenges.”          Sri Sri Daya Mata

Could this be our new location?
church building

Possible Relocation

The group recently voted to proceed with due diligence and making an offer on the property at 4505 Gibbs Road, Kansas City, KS. The Managing Council and Purchasing Committee have been very busy since that time both in negotiations with the seller and conducting research and preparatory work


We are now very close to making an offer. The original asking price of the property was $125,000. Since that time the seller has offered to sell it to us for $110,000. Further research, however and the state of the market has led us to believe that the property could be worth less than this. The seller is willing to work with us, and has agreed that if we have an appraisal done before making an offer they will be flexible and work with us on the price.

We have ordered the appraisal and expect it to be complete in the next 2-3 weeks. At that time we will make a formal offer

Thank you all for your patience during this process and special thanks to those who have been helping on the purchasing committee.

Our goal for fundraising for the property is as follows:
Down payment $40,000
Closing costs, inspections, etc.: $4,000
Remodeling etc. shortly after purchase: $5,000
Min. desired balance remaining after remodeling: $15,000

Our current balance is as follows:
Current balance: $37,000 (not including Scholarship Program funds)
Pledges received: $20,000

We would therefore still like to raise at least an additional $7,000.

If you have any questions about this project please speak to Wendy MacDonald Savoy or Randy Wolf.

Easter Service

Please note that our Sunday Easter Service on April 12 will be held from 9 to 10 am on Easter Sunday not the usual time of 10 am.

On Friday April 10, we will hold a Good Friday Service from 7 to 9 pm.

Film Project
We have been informed by Mother Center that a new film project is about to be launched on the spiritual and humanitarian work of our Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, and his society, Self-Realization Fellowship. Over the next four to five months, CounterPoint Films – an Academy Award nominee who has been selected to produce the film – will be conducting research which will include information-gathering interviews with SRF monks and nuns, and lay members, as well as film shoots of SRF locations, services, and activities.

SRF expects that the film will have a far-reaching impact on the growing audience of spiritual seekers around the world, and have asked for our prayers for the success of the project. More information about this project can be found here (pdf)

Center Representatives Conference
The Center Department of Self-Realization Fellowship warmly invites all those who serve or are interested in serving in the group to attend the Annual Center Representatives Conference to be held the day before Convocation—Saturday August 1st from 2 to 8 pm at the Lake Shrine in Los Angeles, CA.

The Conference will provide an opportunity to become more familiar with our Guru's spiritual ideals for SRF centers and groups. There will also be some time for attendees to enjoy the uplifting environment of the Lake Shrine and to meet informally with the monks serving in the Center Department, as well as interacting with other members who serve in meditation groups around the world. In addition, the day’s schedule will include a group meditation, a presentation by the Center Department monastics, and a delicious vegetarian meal. Please let Wendy MacDonald Savoy know if you plan to attend.

Children's Scholarship Program
This year the Kansas City Meditation Group is again offering a scholarship program to help parents with costs toward sending their children to the SRF How-to-Live Youth Program.

Members can donate by marking their checks in the regular offertory “children’s scholarship program.” We will wrap up our fundraising efforts either when we get to goal or on April 30th—whichever comes first. Our goal is $2,600 and we are currently about half way there. If we go over our goal, the funds will be donated to the SRF How-to-Live Youth Programs in Los Angeles so that other children across the country and around the world may benefit from them. As per Mother Center’s guidance, we will not carry funds over to the following year.

Our next and final fundraising event will be a garage sale on April 18. If you have any items that would be good for our garage sale, we would appreciate it if you could hang on to them for just a few more weeks.  We will be accepting items for dropoff on the day before the sale, and we will also be available to pick up large items if needed. We thank you in advance for any help you may be able to provide!

Volunteers are needed for the garage sale on Saturday April 18. If you can help out we would appreciate if you could attend a short meeting on Sunday March 29 immediately following Service. For more information please speak to Michelle Wolf.

New Managing Council and Service Readers
We are happy to inform you that the new Managing Council and Service Readers have been approved by Mother Center. Thank you all for your service whether you are serving on the Council, as a Reader or in some other way. All forms of service to our Guru's work are valuable. If you are not currently serving or if you would like to serve in a bigger way you are encouraged to speak to a member of the Managing Council—Wendy MacDonald Savoy, Nancy Blackman or Michelle Wolf.

“You have our prayers that, as you continue to meditate together and to serve our Guru’s work, you may grow ever more in attunement with God and Guru, and feel Their loving presence silently guiding you in all your endeavors.  In these times of change and growth the world is going through, may you support and encourage one another’s spiritual efforts, that your Group may serve as a sanctuary of peace and spiritual rejuvenation for all who come.”       
          Brother Sarvananda, SRF Center Department

India Night Dinner
Our annual India Night Dinner celebrating our Guru’s homeland was held at the Lenexa Community Center on Saturday, February 7. We had approximately 50 people in attendance and we all enjoyed the divine fellowship and delicious food.  The tables were beautifully decorated with tablecloths and centerpieces and many devotees dressed in Indian clothing.

Special thanks to the India Night Committee for organizing the event for us; Kate Ehernberger, Donna YaDullah, Mary Anne Demeritt and Beth Hanna. Our silent auction to raise funds for the Children's Scholarship Program raised over $1100. View photos from the event at www.kcmeditation.com.

Long Meditations
4 hour meditations will be held on the following dates. Meditations begin at 10:30 am. You are welcome to stay for the full four hours or leave during a period of chanting.
Saturday, April 11, at the Savoy residence
Saturday, May 16, at the Leach residence
Saturday, June 13, at the Savoy residence

For more information please speak to Brenda Leach or Wendy MacDonald Savoy.

Day Retreat
This year’s spring day retreat will be held on Saturday May 2nd in the Clubhouse at Unity Village. The day includes time for conducted meditations, readings, chanting and free time. Information including registration forms can be found at www.kcmeditation.com. Volunteers are still needed to help organize this event. Please speak to Wendy MacDonald Savoy if you would like to help.

Volunteer Opportunities
There are many volunteer opportunities at the Kansas City Meditation Group, including Service Readers, Harmonium Players, Ushers, Flower Committee, Retreat Committee, Social Committee, P.A. System setup, Sunday School Teachers and Assistants.  If you are interested in serving, please speak to a member of the Managing Council.

  1. Please enter the Sanctuary during the 15-minute period prior to the top of each hour. After the meditation has begun, one may enter during a chant so as not to disturb the other meditators.
  2. During meditation, practice any SRF technique silently.
  3. Please disable audible beepers and chimes on watches, pagers and cell phones during meditation.
  4. Checks made out to KCMG will be used for local meditation group expenses, while checks made out to SRF will be forwarded to SRF Mother Center.
We are affiliated with Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles, California. Our Guru is Paramahansa Yogananda. The purpose of Self-Realization Fellowship is to disseminate a knowledge of definite scientific techniques for attaining direct personal experience of God. The Fellowship is dedicated to promoting a greater understanding and harmony among the world's various religions by teaching the fundamental principle of religion: how to commune personally with God.
Paramahansa Yogananda has defined Self-realization as follows: "Self-realization is the knowing—in body, mind, and soul—that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God’s omnipresence is our omnipresence; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. All we have to do is improve our knowing.

2008 Fall Photo

Meditations and services are at Pilgrim Chapel.
3801 Gillham Rd., Kansas City, Missouri

Email at coordinator@kcmeditation.com

KC Meditation Group    816.799.5544
Mailing Address: PO Box 7053, Kansas City MO 64113

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