Kansas City Meditation Group
Self-Realization Fellowship
group photo
2008 SRF Member Support Tour led by Self-Realization Fellowship monastics, Brother Satyananda and Brother Prafullananda.

“The love and joy of God that I feel is without any end. One can never forget it once he has tasted it;
it is so great he could never want anything else to take its place.        Rajarsi Janakananda

Summer 2008
Issue 57

                                                    9:00 - 9:45 AM



Tuesday Evening: SRF Lesson Study, Call for location.

Thursday Evening:

Meditation SERVICE 7:15 - 9:00 PM

Calendar for Summer 2008

1    Eliminating the Static of Fear from the Mind Radio

8    Self-Analysis:Key to the Mastery of Life

15    (Father's Day)     God's Nature in the Father

22    Four Fundamental Ways to Realize God

29    Spiritual Marriage

6    Seeing God as the Sole Doer

13    Building World Unity

20    Ascending to Perfection in God

*24    Mahavatar Babaji Commemoration, Thursday 7 to 9 pm

27    The Universal Need for Kriya Yoga

3    The Root-Cause of Suffering

3-9    Convocation

10    The Power of Intuition

17    The Hiding Place of God (Social following Service)

*24    Janmashtami 8:30 to 9:30 am

24    The Law of Miracles

31    The Treacherous Path of Evil

7    Meditation is the Path to God

14    How to Spiritualize Business

19-21    Fall Retreat – Heartland Retreat Center

21    Learn to Control Your Mind, Heartland Retreat Center

*25    Lahiri Mahasaya Mahasamadhi Commemoration 7-9pm

28    Be a Smile Millionaire

*30    Lahiri Mahasaya Birthday Commemoration 7-9pm

*Please bring a flower and a donation to be sent to SRF Mother Center.

Brother Satyananda places flowers at the crypt of Rajarsi Janakananda.

Monastic Retreat Weekend

The Kansas City Meditation Group of SRF held a weekend of spiritual renewal May 23 to 25, 2008 at Unity Village. The weekend events were led by Brother Satyananda and Brother Prafullananda. Special thanks to all of the devotees who worked tirelessly to make this a very special weekend for all who attended.

Bro. Satyananda

Devotees attended from MO, KS, IA, IL, NE, AR, LA, CA, MN. Friday evening started with a public lecture by Brother Prafullananda entitled “The Yoga of Jesus.” The weekend also included technique review classes, inspirational talks, a Kriya ceremony for eligible students, meditations and optional pilgrimages to Rajarsi’s crypt and home site as well as the Athenaeum where Master spoke in 1932.


On Thursday, preceding the weekend, devotees joined the Brothers on a pilgrimage to the Athenaeum and to Rajarsi’s Crypt where Brother Satyananda placed flowers on behalf of Sri Daya Mata, and we all spent several minutes together in meditation. We also chanted “I Am The Sky,” a chant that Master and Rajarsi often chanted together. It was a special privilege and blessing for all. On Monday, several devotees visited The Harry Truman Library with Brother Prafullananda.


The weekend was very significant to all of us on many levels. Through Master’s Grace, the weekend went more smoothly than we could have imagined. We have all been newly inspired in our sahdanas. Many of us attended the Kriya ceremony which included a beautiful hand-made altar specially made for the event by a Kansas City devotee. This was the first Kriya ceremony in Kansas City since 1980. The weekend also afforded a special opportunity to pay tribute to Rajarsi Janakananda who served our Guru with such devotion and was a great example to us all.  It was truly a mini-Convocation right here in Kansas City!

From a financial perspective we are pleased to report that donations received covered our costs and provided a small profit for the group. Thank you to all who donated so generously. We hope to have the opportunity to sponsor another such event in the not too distant future.


Photos from the week’s events can be found on our Web site at www.kcmeditation.com. There is also a video slide show of the events available. Contact Wendy MacDonald Savoy if you would like a copy and have not yet received one.


Scholarship Program
We are pleased to announce that we raised $2,472 toward this year’s scholarship program. As a result we are able to provide financial assistance to four Kansas City children who will be attending the SRF Youth Camp in the San Bernardino Mountains of California. Special thanks to all those who donated toward the program and helped with the silent auction and garage sale, and for all your kind thoughts and prayers. We look forward to hearing the joyous stories from the children when they return.

Long Meditations
The following 4 hour meditations have been scheduled; July 26 and August 23. August 23 will be held at the Savoy residence, and July 26 will be held at the Leach residence. Meditation begins at 10:30 am. You are welcome to arrive at 10 am to practice the Energization Exercises.If you are not yet ready for a four hour meditation, you may leave during a period of chanting. Chanting is held every 45 minutes to 1 hour. For more information please speak to Randy Wolf or Wendy MacDonald Savoy.

“The balanced life of Mr. Lynn may serve as an inspiration for all men. Conscientiously discharging the duties of his worldly life, Mr. Lynn yet found time daily for deep meditation on God. The successful businessman became an illumined Kriya Yogi.”                     Paramahansa Yogananda

Upcoming Special Services
We have several upcoming Commemoration Services: Thursday, July 24 from 7 to 9 pm we will hold a Commemoration Service in honor of Mahavatar Babaji. Sunday August 24 from 8:30 to 9:30 am we will hold a Janmashtami Service in honor of Bhagavan Krishna. Thursday September 25, from 7 to 9 pm we will hold a Commemoration Service in honor of the Mahasamahdi of Lahiri Mahasaya.  Tuesday September 30 from 7 to 9 pm we will hold a Commemoration Service in honor of Lahiri Mahasaya’s Birthday.

Anyone who is well enough acquainted with the SRF teachings to understand the significance of the Guru-disciple relationship is welcome to attend. These are great spiritual occasions on which the blessings of an illumined master are stronger than on other days of the year. Devotees who attend these ceremonies with the right attitude will reap spiritual benefits and find their high resolutions strengthened.

Please remember to bring a flower and a donation. The flower is a symbol of devotion to God and the SRF Gurus, the donation is a symbol of loyalty to the cause of SRF. Remember not to smell the flower and thus “take” some of the offering meant for God.

All of the above events will be held at the Pilgrim Chapel.

Fall Retreat
Our fall retreat will be held the weekend of September 19 to 21 at the Heartland Retreat Center in Parkville, MO. Further information will be mailed soon. If you are interested in helping with the organization of the event please contact Wendy MacDonald Savoy.

“If we are at peace within our beings, we can harmoniously carry on our duties even in the business sphere. We can accomplish admirable things in the world without necessarily clashing with others. Eventually we can perform all our duties with the full consciousness of God’s presence.”        Rajarsi Janakananda

  1. Please enter the Sanctuary during the 15-minute period prior to the top of each hour. After the meditation has begun, one may enter during a chant so as not to disturb the other meditators.
  2. During meditation, practice any SRF technique silently.
  3. Please disable audible beepers and chimes on watches, pagers and cell phones during meditation.
  4. Checks made out to KCMG will be used for local meditation group expenses, while checks made out to SRF will be forwarded to SRF Mother Center.
We are affiliated with Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles, California. Our Guru is Paramahansa Yogananda. The purpose of Self-Realization Fellowship is to disseminate a knowledge of definite scientific techniques for attaining direct personal experience of God. The Fellowship is dedicated to promoting a greater understanding and harmony among the world's various religions by teaching the fundamental principle of religion: how to commune personally with God.
Paramahansa Yogananda has defined Self-realization as follows: "Self-realization is the knowing—in body, mind, and soul—that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God’s omnipresence is our omnipresence; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. All we have to do is improve our knowing.


The Athenaeum In Kansas City where Saint Lynn met Paramahansa Yogananda

Meditations and services are at Pilgrim Chapel.
3801 Gillham Rd., Kansas City, Missouri

Email at coordinator@kcmeditation.com

KC Meditation Group    (816) 512-6205
Mailing Address: PO Box 7053, Kansas City MO 64113


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