Kansas City Meditation Group of
Self-Realization Fellowship
SUNDAY MEDITATIONS 8:00 - 8:45 AM 9:00 - 9:45 AM MAIN SERVICE: SUNDAY READING SERVICE 10:00 - 11:00 AM CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 - 11:00 AM Tuesday Evening: SRF Lesson Study, Call for location. ENERGIZATION EXERCISES 7:00 - 7:15 PM Meditation SERVICE 7:15 - 9:00 PM |
Sept |
3 |
Divine Selfishness - Serving One's Self in All |
10 |
Karma - The Law of Cosmic Justice |
17 |
Man's Highest Conception of God |
24 |
Realizing God in Your Daily Life |
*26 |
Lahiri Mahasaya's Mahasamadhi Commemoration, Tuesday 7pm |
. |
*30 |
Lahiri Mahasaya's Birthday |
Oct |
1 |
Loyalty Is the Greatest Law |
8 |
The Light of Truth Eternal |
15 |
How to Overcome Fear | |
**22 |
Your True Self - The Immortal Soul Heartland Retreat Center near Parkville MO |
29 |
The Art of Devotional Singing |
Nov |
5 |
Ways to Overcome Nervousness |
12 |
Practicing Yoga in World Affairs |
19 |
Giving Thanks for Life's Blessings |
26 |
Freedom from Habit Slavery |
Housekeeping Items:
We are affiliated with Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles, California. Our Guru is Paramahansa Yogananda. The purpose of Self-Realization Fellowship is to disseminate a knowledge of definite scientific techniques for attaining direct personal experience of God. The Fellowship is dedicated to promoting a greater understanding and harmony among the world's various religions by teaching the fundamental principal of religion: how to commune personally with God. |
Paramahansa Yogananda has defined Self-realization as follows: "Self-realization is the knowing—in body, mind, and soul—that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God’s omnipresence is our omnipresence; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. All we have to do is improve our knowing. |
Email at webmanager@kcmeditation.com
KC Meditation Group (816) 512-6205
Mailing Address: PO Box 7053, Kansas City MO 64113
KCMG Index Page