Kansas City Meditation Group
Self-Realization Fellowship

Issue XXVII                      Winter 2000-2001

All-Day Christmas Meditation is December 16, 2000.
Sunday Meditations  8:00 - 8:45 AM
 9:00 - 9:45 AM
Sunday Reading Service 10:00 -11:00 AM
Children's Sunday School 10:00 -11:00 AM
Last Sunday of Month - Business Meeting 11:10am - noon
Thursday Evening Meditation  7:00pm - 9:00 PM

Calendar - December 2000 - February 2001

December  3 The Universality of Religion
10 Finding the Joy in Life
16  * All-Day Christmas Meditation (Gracious Space)
17 The Nature of a Master
24 Celebrating Christmas in the Silence of the Soul
31 ** Commemoration Service for the Birthday of Paramahansa Yogananda
January  6 * Paramahansa Yogananda Commemorative Meditation (Gracious Space)
 7 Kriya Yoga-Royal Science of Realization
14 The Art of Developing Memory
21 Why Life's Tests Are Thrust upon Us
28 Making the Most of Sundays
February  4 Unite your Will with the Infinite
11 Satan: the Cosmic Magician
18 The Inner Meaning of Self-realization
25 Curing Psychological Intoxication
*Long Meditations are at Gracious Space north of the Heartland Retreat Center.
It is one mile west of I-435 on Hwy. 9 west of Parkville, MO.
**Please bring a flower and a donation to be sent to the Mother Center
Upcoming Events:
All-day Christmas Meditation, Dec. 16th at Gracious Space.
Dec. 31st is Commemoration Service for Guruji’s Birthday.
Paramahansa Yogananda Commemorative Meditation, Jan. 6th at Gracious Space.

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Housekeeping Items:
    1. Please enter the Sanctuary during the 15-minute period prior to the top of each hour. After the meditation has begun, one may enter during a chant so as not to disturb the other meditators.
    2. During meditation, practice any SRF technique silently.
    3. After services, maintain silence as much as possible in the sanctuary. Fellowship can be observed in the foyer.
    4. Please disable audible beepers and chimes on watches, pagers and cell phones during meditation.
    5. Checks made out to KCMG will be used for local meditation group expenses, while checks made out to SRF will be forwarded to the SRF Mother Center.

Click for higher resolution photo.
October 8, 2000
Services and Meditations are at Pilgrim Chapel
3801 Gillham Rd., Kansas City, Missouri

 Questions or inquiries:
KC Meditation Group (816) 512-6205
Donna YaDullah            (913) 648-4618
Doug Couch                   (913) 648-7793
Dwayne Savoy               (913) 341-0591

Self-Realization Fellowship Home Page

   We are affiliated with Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles, California. Our Guru is Paramahansa Yogananda. The purpose of Self-Realization Fellowship is to disseminate a knowledge of definite scientific techniques for attaining direct personal experience of God. The Fellowship is dedicated to promoting a greater understanding and harmony among the world's various religions by teaching the fundamental principal of religion: how to commune personally with God. 

Email at webmanager@kcmeditation.com

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